Recent Successes at LGR Law, LLC

Federal criminal defense involves not only fighting for clients before and at the initial charging stage, but also fighting for them in relation to bail, with plea agreements, at sentencing and on appeal. In the last few months, Lorraine Gauli-Rufo has been able to get some of her clients very good sentences, several of them well-below their advisory Sentencing Guideline levels.

Sentencing Guidelines are one factor that go into sentencing. The other factors are set out in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a).  The sentencing Judge sentences a defendant after considering all the factors set forth in this section, including the advisory Guideline applicable to a particular defendant. Sentencing judges have discretion as to what to sentence defendants to, subject only to statutory mandates.

Here are some of the recent sentencing successes Ms. Gauli-Rufo has obtained for her clients in the last few months.  One client who was facing a Guideline sentence of between 135 to 168 months in a drug matter, received a 23 month sentence.   Another client who was facing between 15 and 21 months on a Guideline range, received a 5-month sentence.   A client who was facing between 87 and 108 months Guideline range, received 68 months imprisonment.  Another client who had a Guideline range of between 70 and 87 months, received a sentence of 54 months.  One more client was facing between 30 to 37 months and received a sentence of a little over one year in prison.  These are all sentencing BELOW the advisory Guideline range.

If you or a loved one are charged with a federal crime, you need an attorney with experience and proven successes at all stages of the criminal proceedings, including at sentencing.  Contact Lorraine Gauli-Rufo at LGR Law.  She has the experience at all stages of criminal proceedings, from the initial contact with a federal agency such as the FBI, IRS, DEA, or ATF, through trial or pleas and at sentencing.  With over 25 years of federal criminal defense experience, she is the person you should call if you are charged or threatened with a federal crime in New York or New Jersey.

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