Bribery and Extortion Lawyer in New Jersey and New York

Many of the clients we represent at LGR Law Group are facing complex federal criminal charges, such as federal bribery and extortion. With nearly thirty years of experience, Lorraine Gauli-Rufo, along with her dedicated team, has built a reputation for excellence in advocating for our clients’ rights in all federal criminal matters. We understand the gravity of federal charges and are committed to providing our clients with strategic and comprehensive defense strategies tailored to their particular cases.


What Constitutes Federal Bribery?

Federal bribery involves offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value to influence the actions of an official or an individual in a position of power. This offense strikes at the heart of public trust and integrity. Our experienced attorneys closely scrutinize federal statutes and stay abreast of any changes in criminal statutes and the case law, interpreting those statutes in order to effectively defend our clients.

Federal bribery cases are complex and hinge on the government’s ability to prove intent, influence, and a quid pro quo.  While the statutes governing these charges are broad, covering various scenarios where the government claims that influence was improperly wielded for personal gain, recent case law interpreting these statutes has narrowed what actions constitute crimes under federal bribery statutes. Our legal team at LGR Law stays on top of all changes in federal criminal law to ensure our clients’ rights are protected to the fullest extent possible. 


Federal Extortion Charges: An Overview

Federal extortion charges arise when threats or coercion are used to obtain money, property, or services unlawfully. Understanding the nuances of extortion allegations is critical in advising clients on the best course of action. At LGR Law, LLC, we thoroughly analyze evidence and proactively challenge the prosecution’s case.

Extortion allegations typically involve complex underlying facts that must be carefully examined. Our attorneys delve into the specifics of each case, reviewing and analyzing the evidence, including records, witness statements, and the context in which the alleged threats were made. This approach allows us to understand the government’s allegations, dissect the prosecution’s narrative, and present compelling counterarguments.


Penalties for Federal Bribery and Extortion Charges

Federal penalties for bribery and extortion can range from probation to up to 15 or more years in prison, depending on the nature of the specific charge or charges brought by the Government.  Sentencing in these matters hinge on a host of factors, including the United States Sentencing Guidelines that apply to a particular case.   When charged or threatened with federal bribery or extortion charges, you need a federal criminal defense firm that knows all the arguments that should be made to get the lowest possible sentence and has success in obtaining the best possible sentences for their clients.  We have obtained sentences well below the Sentencing Guidelines in many cases.  We have also been able to obtain outright dismissals of federal charges. 


Defending Against Allegations

Our defense against federal bribery and extortion charges is both strategic and comprehensive. We delve into the details of each case, identifying weaknesses in the federal charges and crafting compelling arguments.  We explore all angles of the case, including challenging the application of the law to the facts, contesting the legality of the evidence obtained, and highlighting mitigating factors that might encourage a resolution of the matter through dismissal or another favorable outcome. Our goal is to secure positive outcomes for our clients, whether through skilled negotiation or aggressive litigation, depending on the circumstances of each case.


Why Choose LGR Law, LLC?

At LGR Law, LLC, we prioritize our clients’ interests above all else. Our ultimate goal is to protect our clients’ rights, reputation, and freedom.  Our team’s knowledge and courtroom experience ensure that our clients will receive top rated representation from the initial consultation to case resolution. We understand the seriousness and complexity of federal charges and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. (see reviews)

Choosing the right legal representation in federal bribery and extortion cases can significantly impact the outcome of your case. LGR Law, LLC offers personalized attention and a commitment to excellence in every aspect of your defense. Our record speaks for itself, with numerous satisfied clients who have benefited from our dedicated advocacy.

The Bottom Line

If you are threatened with or charged with federal bribery or extortion, you should immediately contact a federal criminal defense law firm. Contact LGR Law, LLC today for a confidential consultation with our federal criminal defense team. We will fight vigorously to defend your rights and protect your freedom.

What Are the Penalties for Bribery and Extortion?

If you have been charged with bribery or extortion, understand that you’re facing some harsh penalties. Those convicted of bribery or extortion may face heavy fines and prison time. The amount of fines and prison time depends on certain factors, such as the extent of the offense and the methods used. For example, lighter penalties may apply in cases involving lesser amounts, while more severe penalties are likely in cases involving significant sums or serious coercion.

If I Did Commit Bribery or Extortion, Should I Just Plead Guilty Right Away?

No. Whether you forged a check or committed identity theft, it’s not recommended to plead guilty immediately. You may not know all the penalties yet and have a disadvantage. Instead, discuss your case with an experienced defense lawyer. A lawyer may be able to negotiate a more favorable plea deal with the prosecutor, so it’s important to be patient. For instance, if this is the first time you’ve been in trouble with the law, your lawyer may ask the prosecutor for leniency.

Will I Have a Difficult Time Finding a Job If Convicted?

Yes, you may have more trouble securing employment if convicted of bribery or extortion. This is especially true if the job involves handling money or positions of trust. Bribery and extortion are dishonest acts, so employers may have difficulty placing their trust in you. That’s why it’s important to hire a defense lawyer immediately to help you fight your charge.

What Should I Bring to My First Consultation with a Lawyer?

If you have been accused of bribery or extortion, one of your next steps should be to set up a consultation with an experienced bribery and extortion lawyer in New Jersey. To get the most out of your meeting, it is important to come prepared. Your lawyer will want any documentation pertaining to your case, such as a police report, bail documentation, and information about witnesses. The more information your lawyer has to work with, the better they can assist you.

Can I Talk to My Family and Friends About My Case?

If you are dealing with a bribery or extortion charge, you may feel the need to talk about it with your family and friends. While it is understandable that you want to get this off your chest, you should not discuss the details of your case with anyone except your lawyer.