Grand Jury Target Letter

Grand Jury Target Letter

I received a Grand Jury Target letter from the United States Attorney’s Office ……. What should I do now? Many people contact our office when they receive a visit from a federal agency such as the FBI, Postal Inspector or the DEA, who hand them a letter from the US...
Fentanyl Charge

Fentanyl Charge

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid used medically for pain management but also illegally as a recreational drug. According to the United States Sentencing Commission, fentanyl is approximately 30 times more potent than heroin. Due to its potency, even a small...
How Much Does a Private Lawyer Cost?

How Much Does a Private Lawyer Cost?

One of the first things you might wonder when hiring a private criminal defense lawyer is how much representation is going to cost you. It’s a legitimate concern and one that most accused individuals concern themselves with while searching for a lawyer. If this...