Computer / Internet / Cyber Crimes

Computer and Internet Cyber Crimes AttorneyComputer / Internet / Cyber Crimes

With the increase in the use of computers and other electronic devices utilized to access the internet, there has been a proportionate increase in charges relating to those uses. The government brings many crimes against individuals relating to computer use.  Among the charges are crimes relating to Child Pornography (possession, distribution, advertising) Computer fraud charges such as hacking and spamming, and/or using the computer or internet in relation to other crimes as theft and fraud.   Lorraine Gauli-Rufo is a seasoned federal criminal defense attorney who has had tremendous experience handling all aspects of federally charged computer crimes. When you are first contacted by the federal government or the FBI or any other federal entity, you need to contact an experienced federal criminal defense attorney.  Contact Lorraine Gauli-Rufo, the white-collar criminal defense attorney with the experience and knowledge necessary to protect your valuable rights.

Computer Fraud

Computer fraud covers a variety of charged crimes. Computer fraud crimes are one of the most popularly charged crimes that Ms. Gauli-Rufo handles. Computer fraud occurs when a scheme to defraud is perpetrated through the use of computers (or other access devices) sometimes by gaining illegal access to another computer, either at the terminal itself or through computer “hacking.” Computer fraud can also involve any scheme to defraud that utilizes the use of a computer or other access device in its commission. Computer fraud crimes carry various statutory penalties, and the potential maximum statutory penalties can be as high as 20 years or more. The extent of the punishment largely depends on the fraudulent scheme alleged in the charging document as well as the charged amount of monetary loss (or gain) associated with that scheme.  You need an experienced and qualified federal criminal defense attorney to represent your interests or the interests of a loved one and to protect your valuable rights.  You need the experience of Lorraine Gauli-Rufo.

Computer Fraud Defense

As in most white-collar crimes, the successful defense of computer fraud depends on a variety of factors, including the facts of the case.  Also, hiring an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can not only protect your or your loved ones’ important rights, particularly during the initial phases of investigation but also has experience at negotiating, which can mean lessened charges or quite possibly the dismissal of the case before or after formal charges are brought. If you or a friend or a family member are suspected or charged with computer fraud or any other charges associated with the use of a computer or other access device, you should contact Lorraine Gauli-Rufo.  Ms. Gauli-Rufo is an experienced criminal defense attorney who practices in New York and New Jersey, including the federal courts of the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, and Newark, Cedar Grove, Montclair, and Verona, in New Jersey.  She has successfully handled many federal matters involving charges relating to the use of computers or access devices.  Ms. Gauli-Rufo invites you to contact her directly to discuss any criminal charges, threatened charges, or other criminal concerns you have.

To discuss the federal criminal defense update, or criminal law more generally, reach out to New Jersey and New York criminal defense lawyer Lorraine Gauli-Rufo at 973-239-4300 or at LGR LAW for a consultation today. For more information about the firm, please visit LGR LAW’s website.

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