
News & Articles

Criminal defense attorney, Lorraine Gauli-Rufo shares news and articles pertaining to criminal and federal law.


Finding the Best Mortgage Fraud Lawyer: LGR Law LLC

Buying a home is a significant milestone, often representing years of hard work and planning. However, the process can be complicated and sometimes involves risks that many are unaware of. One of the most serious risks is mortgage fraud, which can turn a dream into a...

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Why are there so few federal criminal trials?

On a general level, federal and state criminal charges are similar in several ways.  The standard of proof is the same, and everyone is presumed innocent and entitled to a trial by a jury. Everyone is familiar with the standard of proof in criminal matters – the...

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How Can You Represent People Who Know Are Guilty?

Once people learn that I am a federal criminal defense attorney, they frequently then ask me “How can you represent people who you know are guilty?”  The answer is this – everyone is entitled to the protections of our Constitution.  The Amendments to the Constitution...

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Federal False Claims Act

False Claims Act – 18 USC § 287. According to the Department of Justice website, “Settlements and judgments under the False Claims Act exceeded $2.68 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2023…”[1] This figure constitutes 543 settlements and judgments, which the...

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Should I Talk to the Police Without an Attorney?

Many of our clients were approached by federal law enforcement agents prior to retaining us.  When the federal government is investigating a potential criminal matter, and before formal charges are brought, agents frequently will contact the person and ask them to...

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